Do you YouTube watch and drool? I do that a lot. I have lots of subscriptions to lots of talented crafters and I ooh and ahhh over all their creations. Yesterday I watched Jaizella, Lavish Laces, on YouTube make these gorgeous Shabby Flowers out of scraps she had laying around! I thought, hmmm I have scraps, and they sure are laying around, I bet I could make some too! And the best part was you didn't have to sew a thing, my kind of lady.
And just so you know, the lovely basket my flowers are adorning was made by my Mother's hands from pine needles. Momma passed away two years ago, just shy of 100 and I miss her dearly. Little things like this basket bring back her smile and her love, I know she'd love my flowers too :-)
And just so you know, the lovely basket my flowers are adorning was made by my Mother's hands from pine needles. Momma passed away two years ago, just shy of 100 and I miss her dearly. Little things like this basket bring back her smile and her love, I know she'd love my flowers too :-)

If you're a follower of my YouTube or Blog you'll remember many months ago I had made this 3 ring binder mini for a friend for her sixth (yes I said SIXTH) baby. I had taken an old ironing board cover and cut the whole thing with the Tattered Floral Die. I used some of the cut pieces on the cover of the book and was pretty happy with them. The rest I filed away in my handy dandy flower drawer under 'Natural Flowers' aren't I organized??? And there they sat, poor little discarded flowers :-(

So I went hunting and sure enough I had a bag of them left so I grabbed those. And on my desktop was a bag of Cheesecloth I'm planning on dying black for a Halloween project. Oh I'm so glad I hadn't dyed it all black!!! I grabbed some cheesecloth!

I have a small little case full of buttons so I went to see what I had for centers because I really don't have too many blingy pieces to use for middles. I did have these button that had an indentation in the middle. They are old, they came from a garage sale and I had snipped the shanks off the back and neatly put them color coded in my tray and promptly forgot about them. Hmmm please tell me you do this sort of stuff too????

In the middle indents I found some flat back pearls I had. Some were golden and some were white. And the marvelous thing was I had more than one size. Perfect to make the plain button become a pretty eye popping center to my flower.

Months ago I had hit the thrift store circuit in my town. I found one crocheted lace table runner. I came home washed it up, let it dry cut up some of the individual flowers. Cut them in half and used one. Yep you guessed it the others went filed in my flower drawer that I'd just reorganized under the Natural heading. Great, it's neat and tidy but doesn't do me much good if I never used them!!
Jaizella had used some crocheted doilies for her flower layers but I used two of the ones I cut apart and they worked perfectly and the best part was --- I was using up my stash. Wow I'm on a roll I'm actually pulling stuff from my crafty places and making something pretty! I'm so happy :-)

I think a lot of my inspiration came from Jaizella's fantastic video. She made it look so simple, even the part about burning your fingertips with the glue gun. Yep Jaizella, I followed that part to the letter. I think we need to invest in those little purple silicone sleeves that fit over your fingertips (I just looked at those at JoAnns a few days ago and thought no I really don't need those. Yes you may shake your head and call me stupid now!)
So my advice, run over to Jaizella's YouTube channel and watch her video Simple Shabby Handmade Flower. Then get with it, pull out that stash of bits and pieces and make some gorgeous flowers yourself. I'd love to see what you make and I'm sure Jaizella will too. And by the way when you stop by her YouTube channel and leave your comment, tell her Patti said Hi!
Have fun everyone!
I love making flowers too Patti, your's are BEAUTIFUL <3 Hugs
On my list of things to make, they are gorgeous!!!! Love them!
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