
Thursday, April 28, 2016

MIA - Just Sharing Why

Here's a short video to explain why you won't see me around for a while


  1. Patti! What big changes coming your way! I wish you well, and that all goes smoothly for you!

  2. You're going to be moving to my home stomping grounds! I grew up in Portland, ORegon but lived in the Camas-Washougal area from 1977 through about 2012 so know Vancouver very very well! Though I know live in central Oregon, I still make it up there to visit my kids now and then. Hope you have a good realtor! It's a really nice area to live.

  3. Oh my Miss Patti! God has something wonderful in store for you! What an adventure for sure! I pray that as you look for a new home you will be at peace with your decision....and I pray it has a large room for your studio! I'm sure you will come back with all kinds of new ideas! Looking forward to the flip side!!! Blessings. Suesue from NY

  4. I sure hope that you come back soon. We are all missing your creativity. My kids are preparing for a big move here soon and it surely saddens me. It sound like you are moving back to your loved ones. Good for you. I sure hope that things are moving along well for you and that you come back very soon as you are truly missed. Thank you and God Bless!! Kat
