
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Feel Like a Princess

OK no snickers from the gallery please :-) This is my first attempt at making something with the Cricut Cartridge Paper Doll Dress Up.
It took me forever but I haven't used the Cricut much and cartridges even less so it took me a while to get familiar with all the buttons available.
I think this is the cutest cartridge, it has over 50 different dolls you can make, not counting all the accessories like the dragon and castle.
I'm anxious to play again, but I can tell you the hardest part is going to be deciding what paper choices I want to use. I added some bling for the eyes, colored the little princess face with copics that is after I had added the black mouth line, icky, will do better next time. Used some glitter glue and Glossy Accents on the crown and painted some hemp string with my copics to match her dress. I'll be anxious to see what the experts say (my Granddaughters) when they receive this card in the mail next week!
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1 comment:

  1. girlfriend!!! i can soooooooo relate! only you totally rocked it! this is fabulous!

    i have a cricut and i'm just learning how to use it. i've got more carts than i need and they all scare me - lol! but you did super! great job!
