
My Words For Your Day - - -

Blessing Box

As you go through your days 
notice the things that make your heart happy
and put a smile on your face, the everyday
Blessings of Life

When one of these happen to you 
remove a paper from the box and 
jot down what made your soul sing for a moment.

Don't wait for Earth shattering events 
or your box is likely to remain empty most of the time.

Instead look for everyday little things 
that make up the larger compass of Life.

A hug
a kind word
an unexpected visit
 a rainbow on a dreary day
all these are really the important moments that make up
life's entire
Big Picture

When life stalls at a difficult time reach into your box 
and read the Blessings that truly make your life worth living.

May you be Blessed with many notes inside your box.


Did you ever
than when your
lips smile
so does


Today I looked and saw
the beautiful skies
of brilliant blue.
Against it's frame
the mountains
winked at me
glistening in their
cozy blanket
of snow
I looked
and I saw
have you


Can you tell me what joy yesterday brought,
or the day before?
Can you tell me the color of the butterfly
that flew before your path?
Did you miss the moments that came
You looked but did not see?
Then look again today,
with open eyes that
see, feel and enjoy
the beauty that this day offers.
For tomorrow this day
will be but a memory,
or no memory at all
it is your choice
to see all the
beauty here
for you.


Life happens just at the right moment
Wait for it!~


Know who you are
Know what you want
Be Brave
                                   author unkonwn


Accept responsibility for your life.
Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go,
No one else.
                                           Les Brown


Because love never dies
The video says it all


HOPE is the thing
with feathers
that perches
in the soul,
and sings
the tune
without the words,
and never stops
at all.
Emily Dickinson
