
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Prima Engraver - Masculine Mini

The March selection for the Swirlydoos Kit Club featured papers from Prima's Engraver line and Authentique's Peaceful Collection.  I had wanted to make a masculine mini and this was the perfect
pick of papers and trinkets to do the job.
I used Zutter's CoverAll for the book part, I love
the look of it covered in the wood paper.
This is a great idea of how to hide the
coils from my Cinch binding.
 I wanted the book to have lots of places to
put photos into designated spots.
Since this will be a guy's mini I wanted to
eliminate the bling and fuss and keep it
focused on the paper and photos.
Each page has some sort of frames to slip a photo into or onton

The filmstrips hold tiny photos, but how fun to capture
a whole experience on these pages.
The lighter filmstrips are cut from my Cricut using an SVG file from Elle's Studio
The darker filmstrips are from Graphic 45's Curtain Call.

I popped in some phrases and word stickers from
the Simple Stories Destination Collection
The arrows were cut from my Cricut. 
A couple of pockets house additional photo mats
By adding a flap on a couple of pages you get a
four page spread
Final touch the magic year of his graduation.
Wow I'm ahead of myself
this must be a first!!!