
Sunday, December 14, 2008


A new card for a friend who is just about to retire.
I had problems trying to get the 11.5x6 paper to line up correctly on the Epson and print the saying so I finally gave up and printed it onto cardstock cut it out and adhered. I think I like it this way better anyway.
I had really wanted to find some rub ons that had said something about Retirement but I didn't find any so this saying from my Yahoo Group Just Quotes was perfect anyway as he's an avid fisherman.


It still feels like I'm missing something, that it's not quite complete, but next time I guess.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Abby Album

This was my very first attempt at printing something out and actually making it into a book. I've learned a lot since then and am so glad I tried this very first one. There are so many I want to do for the coming year. I really like the accordion books. Recently my daughter sent me a DVD of photos and it was in a cardboard mailer. Did I toss it, NO! of course not, I looked at it and thought, wow I could cover the outside and attach an accordion book to the inside and what nice gift I'd have. See I now have altered thinking, well it's always been altered but now it's digital-hybird altered. lol

This is one of the first books I did but I thought I'd share it here anyway just so you could get an idea of how versatile these little books are. I have this one sitting on my nightstand in the guest bedroom. A neat little way to share some one of our trips with guests.

You can buy the Abbey Album at Digitals

I'm finding I'm hoarding again, shhhhhhh don't tell my other half. No seriously every time we get anything that has twine or ribbon or any kind of embellishment off it comes and into my box of goodies. Darn you Beth Rimmer for getting me started on this stuff, lol! What's a girl to do I ask you?

ATC's - Artitst Trading Cards

Do you know what an ATC is? I didn't until I made these. ATC's are Artist Trading Cards, and they are made about the size of a regular playing card. You can exchange or trade them with others (kinda makes you think of kid's baseball cards for adults huh?) It's really a huge rage. I like the one I made that you could put your name and info on the back.

I really am thinking of making some up and putting my info on the back, including my blog addresses and my store at Digitals so that when I run across people I'm trying to explain how I spend all my waking hours to I can just give them a card! If you're interested there are lots of digital kits available to make them with. Check out the store at Digitals. Need more inspiration? Do a Google search and you'll be amazed. You might want to check out, Art-e-Zine! or ATCs for ALL More importantly, step outside your box and try something different!!!!

Do you like to give Valentine's cards? How about trying an ATC Valentine this year?

CD Calendar

My family and friends came to visit in September and I wanted something to give them as a memento of the trip. Cottage Arts had just released this new CD calendar and it worked perfect to take 12 photos of the Canyons and make this calendar for them. If you've never made a CD calendar it's really cool. Your pages come out the size of the inside of the CD case. When you are done the case is flipped so the one side becomes the base and you just slip the photo into the front. Cool huh?
Here's a larger view of just the Januray page.

Hybrid Paint Can

Beth Rimmer was offering a Challenge at Digitals a while back to take a Paint can and convert it to a Christmas can, kind of getting you to think outside the box. Which, I need to learn to do more of! Anyway I thought it turned out pretty cute and thought I'd share it here to give an idea. Here's another by LittleMelch if you want another idea.